Deregistration document
The document of deregistration is an important piece of paperwork that proves you have formally moved out of your previous country. In many countries, this document is issued by the local town hall or city council. Request it directly from the city council To obtain this document, you can usually...IMT
IMT (Instituto da Mobilidade e dos Transportes) In Portugal, IMT stands for two things. One is the property tax (Imposto Municipal sobre as Transmissões Onerosas de Imóveis), but what we're focused on is the Institute of Mobility and Transport. This is where you'll register your car during the import process....ISV
ISV, or Imposto Sobre Veículos, is the vehicle tax you pay when registering a car in Portugal, whether it’s new or imported. Calculating ISV can be tricky since it depends on factors like the car’s engine size, CO2 emissions, and age. Generally, higher emissions and bigger engines mean higher ISV,...Conservatory
The conservatory, also known as IRN (Instituto dos Registos e do Notariado), is the office where you obtain your DUA, the vehicle registration document/card. Near the end of the import process, you'll need to visit the conservatory with the necessary paperwork to request your DUA. This is also the office...Homologation
Homologation is the official approval of your car by Portuguese authorities, which means that, based on the available documentation, your car is deemed fit to drive on Portuguese roads. This approval is typically based on the COC document. For older vehicles and those from outside Europe, a more detailed individual...DUA
The DUA (Documento Único Automóvel) is the vehicle registration document or card that you must keep in your car while driving. You receive the DUA at the end of the import process. After completing customs and IMT registration, you can obtain the DUA at your local conservatory. You will pay...IVA – VAT
IVA (Imposto sobre Valor Acrescentado), or value-added tax (VAT), is the sales tax in Portugal, set at a rate of 23%. For importing cars to Portugal, here are key points to know: VAT is not charged on cars imported from within the EU. VAT is not charged for tax-free imports...IUC – Yearly Road Tax
IUC (Imposto Único de Circulação), or "circulation tax," is the regular road tax that every car owner in Portugal must pay. There are two main regimes: Old Regime: Applies to cars that first entered European roads before July 2007. Taxes are relatively low for these cars. New Regime: Applies to...DAV – Customs Declaration
The DAV (Declaração Aduaneira de Veículos) is the customs declaration for cars, detailing all the technical specifications registered during the customs process. This includes information like weight, color, vehicle type, CO2 emissions, and your personal details. It also provides a breakdown of the taxes paid for your import and, most...Portal das Finanças
The Portal das Finanças is the official online platform for managing tax-related matters in Portugal. It is used for various functions, including handling car imports, personal taxes, and paying your yearly road tax (IUC). When it comes to importing a vehicle, the Portal das Finanças can be quite complex. The...