
Die Gewächshaus is a local registration office, closely linked with the IRN (Instituto dos Registos e do Notariado). This is the office where you obtain your DUA, your Portuguese vehicle registration document/card.

Near the end of the import process, you’ll need to visit the conservatory with the necessary paperwork to request your DUA. This is also the office where you register a vehicle purchased in Portugal. IRN offices are local and are found in cities (and larger towns).

In our case, the office is located in our local Loja de Cidadão. Keep in mind that employees at the conservatory may not speak English.


How Long Does it Take?

Normalerweise müssen Sie 1-2 Monate warten, nachdem Sie IMT bevor Sie sich bei der Musikhochschule anmelden können. Bei einer Wartezeit von mehr als 2 Monaten kann eine Geldstrafe verhängt werden, daher ist eine genaue Zeitplanung wichtig.

Once you register your car at the conservatory, you can expect to get your DUA in the mail after about a week.

You Don’t Have to Go to the Conservatory

We can handle obtaining the DUA for you, ensuring that you don’t have to worry about timing and that the card is delivered to you hassle-free.