Prijslijst - Belastingvrij Niet-EU

For a belastingvrij non-EU import, here’s a typical price breakdown:

Estimated Costs for a Tax-Free Non-EU Import

Additional Costs (not paid to Car Import Portugal)

  • Inspectie (if required): €80-90
  • License Plates: €25-50


Tax Exemptions

For a tax-free import, both ISV en IVA are exempt, provided all conditions for tax-free status are met, such as proof of residence outside the EU for at least 6 months prior to moving, and the vehicle being owned for at least 6 months.


*This may not be necessary if a COC or European Homologatie are available. Cars from the UK, Switzerland and Norway are often already approved in the EU. A COC normally costs between 0 and 250 euros. Often the document can be obtained for free.