Who are we?

We are a Dutch family living in Portugal.

During our emigration, importing our car proved to be a real headache. That is why we found out how to do this ourselves and we want to help others with this.


It is our mission to help you avoid unnecessary taxes on your car import. We want to provide you a hassle free experience so that you can import your car easily. Or, for those who want this taken care of, we can do part of the process for you.

Clear information

Clear information is very important to us, so we do our best to provide as much clarity as we can. We know how this feels and how overwhelming this process can be. As our company grows we will do our best to streamline the process as much as we can.


We love collaborating to provide the best service. We work with a range of partners, including shippers and customs brokers, and we handle imports for clients of lawyers, advisors, expat coaches, and other service providers. By sharing expertise, we ensure top-quality service for our clients.

And of course, we try to enjoy our life here in Portugal!