Import your car in 3 steps

We simplify the process and help you every step of the way.

Step 1
Collect documents, homologation, car inspection

Step 2
Customs application

Step 3
Registration, licence plates, road taxes.

Basic Package
  • We arrange the homologation and customs steps
  • We keep track of the process
  • Tips for each steps
  • Personal guidance
  • From €400 (for a regular import)
Extended Package
  • Everything included in the basic package
  • Additional services
  • Pre-filled documents - so you only have to sign
  • License plates sent to your address
  • We arrange car insurance


Do you work with clients from all countries?

Do you only work with people who are moving to Portugal?

Is the import completely tax free?

How do I know if my car is eligible for tax free import?

How much money can I save by importing tax free?

What kind of proof of living from my previous country do I need?

What does the process look like with the Basic Package?

What does the process look like with the Extended Package?

How do payments work?

What if we need more help?