Most Renault Kangoos are work vans, which benefit from a significant ISV tax discount in Portugal. However, this particular Kangoo is the passenger car version, meaning it does not qualify for the same tax advantage.
That doesn’t mean importing this type of vehicle is a bad idea. If you’re considering one, it’s always best to compare local prices. Check how much similar models cost in Portugal versus other EU countries. In this case, our client found it worthwhile to buy a Renault Kangoo in the Netherlands and import it to Portugal, even with taxes.
Because this was an import with taxes, the paperwork was minimal, and the process went smoothly.
A common issue with Renaults is that they often do not come with a free COC (Certificate of Conformity). Instead of buying an expensive original COC, our client opted for a COC substitute, which we arranged through a Portuguese engineer. This option is cheaper and fully accepted by Portuguese authorities, and don’t get a third-party COC, as they are not always recognized.
Since the COC substitute was completed on the same day, we were able to move quickly to the inspection stage.
A Dutch Buyer, a Portuguese Importer
This Dutch-Portuguese couple wanted their Kangoo in Portugal. The Dutch man purchased the car in the Netherlands and then sold it (on paper) to his Portuguese girlfriend, who handled the import process.
The process is simple:
- A sales declaration was written and signed.
- With that document, the car could legally be imported into Portugal under her name.
Part II of the Registration – When Is It Needed?
This is a common issue when importing a Dutch car:
During the inspection, the inspector asked for Part II of the registration. Some inspectors mistakenly believe this form is always required for importing a car to Portugal.
In reality, Part 2 is only issued when you use temporary export plates to bring the car to Portugal.
If you drive to Portugal with regular Dutch plates, you won’t get a Part II from the Dutch RDW.
If an inspector asks for it, try you best to explain the situation.
For cars from Belgium, Germany, or other countries where a Part II is mandatory, you must bring both parts to the inspection.
Smooth Process & Fast Import Approval
Aside from the Part 2 question, the Kangoo passed the inspection with no issues.
The customs application was processed quickly, which is typical for an import with taxes.
Overall, this approach resulted in a fast and efficient import process.
Key Takeaways
- Work vans can qualify for a major ISV discount—but only if they meet the conditions.
- Need a COC fast? We can arrange a COC substitute through a Portuguese engineer.
- Importing a Dutch car with regular plates? At the time of writing, Part 2 of the registration is not required—only if you use export plates.
Would you like help importing your car to Portugal? Get in touch!